Stronger Story Narratives for Writers and Authors
A once-a-month Zoom with Drake and fellow classmates!
"No story lives unless someone wants to listen." -J.K.Rowling
Stronger Story Narratives for Writers and Authors is an introductory or foundational course designed for storytellers of all kinds. Whether you're an old crusty scriptwriter or a burgeoning new student of creative writing, Drake will deliver concepts in a remarkable way that every writer will benefit from.
43 Lessons
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The Mindset of a Professional Writer (Part One)

You Can't Write the Way You Talk
Discover how writing as a skill benefits you as a writer.

Writing is a Skill, Not a Talent
Shifting your mindset about writing as a talent to writing as a skill.

Writing is ALSO a Talent
Discovering Aspects of Story Telling vs the Writing Skill

Knowledge DOES NOT Hurt Creativity
Mindset Shift: Knowledge adds to your Creative Powers
The Mindset of a Professional Writer (Part Two)

Storytelling is a Job
Understanding the Difference Between a Fan Mentality and a Professional Mentality

Writers are Unique, but Not Really
Discover whether you are a Pantser or a Plotter, and the Definition of Both

Readers are Your Customers
Learning to Write as a Professional, and not a Fan

Stories are NOT What You Think
A Mindset Shift: Anatomy of a Strong Story Narrative
What is a Fiction Story?

Where to Start
Dissecting the Story Elements & Understanding Reviews/Ratings

Intro: Physical & Invisible Layers of a Story
Gain Clear Comprehension of Physical Layer, Invisible Layer and the Role of Both within a Story

10,000 Foot View of What a Theme Is
An overview of basic outline, and the importance of creating it prior to building the story.
Theme, What is it Really?

The Definition of Theme
Understand exactly what theme is.

Themes are Universal
Discovering the basics of theme and their uses.

Themes are Fact (within the story)
The story has its own set of rules where theme becomes fact.

Major and Minor Themes
Discover the differences between major and minor themes and their uses.
Theme, Why is it Important?

More than just a Question
Understanding the importance of transformation within a story

Reversals at the Theme Level
Discover Theme Reversals and How they Work

Helps keep Your Story Tight and Focused
Using theme to keep your story focused and tight.
Theme Structure Theory

Introduction to Allegories

Internal vs. External Themes
Comparison of Theme Types

Matrix of an Internal Theme
Deeper dive into Internal Theme concepts.

Matrix of an External Theme
Deeper dive into External Theme concepts.
Using a Theme to Create Your Story

How to Find Your Theme
Exploring story structure through theme.

Theme Tells You Where Your Story Starts
Transformation is Vital

Theme Tells You What Your Inciting Incident Is
Understanding Character's Journey

Theme Tells You What ACT II Needs
Using Theme for Story Structure

Theme Tells You What Your Overcome Is
Role and Purpose of the Overcome
Show Your Story, Don’t Tell It! (Part One)

Use Stronger Verbs
Verb Analysis

Kill Adverbs
Examining Adverb Usage

Avoid Bland Linking Verbs
Recognizing Good and Bad Linking Verbs

Active Voice, not Passive Voice
Identifying passive voice.
Basics of Point of View (Part One)

What is POV
Understanding the importance of choosing the correct POV

What is Narrative Tense
Examining role and importance of tense choice

1st Person Overview
An introduction to 1st Person POV

2nd Person Overview
An introduction to 2nd Person POV

3rd Person Overview
An introduction to 3rd Person POV

Deeper into 3rd Person POV's
A deeper look into types of 3rd Person POV
Basics of Point of View (Part Two)

Point of View Discussion
A casual discussion before moving on to 1st Person Advantages

Advantages of 1st Person PoV
Deeper look into advantages of 1st person PoV's

Disadvantages of 1st Person
Deeper look into disadvantages of 1st person PoV's

COMING SOON: Advantages & Disadvantages of 3rd Person Limited